Where Have You Been S02E18: Duran Duran Universe

In the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we look at things to do and places to see across the Sec­ond Life Grid, Cale and Rik vis­it the Duran Duran Uni­verse.

Whether Simon, Nick, John and Roger are logged in or not, the four-region Duran Duran Uni­verse is a mar­velous place to explore and hang out. One of the most suc­cess­ful things about the estate is that it real­ly con­veys the ener­gy of the 1980s visu­al­ly — from the Patrick Nagel flag wink­ing at you from the fly­ing micro­phone, to the gigan­tic lip­stick tow­er, to the mud wrestling pit (!), it is just total­ly suf­fused with the vibe of those times.

There are 16 list­ings for the Duran Duran Uni­verse in the Sec­ond Life Des­ti­na­tion Guide, and it has its own sub-head­ing in the des­ti­na­tion menu. And that’s just scratch­ing the sur­face: whether you are explor­ing the Lip­stick Tow­er, the Mediter­ranean Spa, the Tow­er of Hades, the Tea­house or The Love Chapel … There’s just a whole lot to see and explore.

The episode pre­mieres on Sep­tem­ber 14th and runs on Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day at noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time (8pm and mid­night in the UK) until Sep­tem­ber 24.

S02E18 — Duran Duran Universe
Own­er: Duran Duran (Yes, them)
Duran Duran Uni­verse (Estate) Main Land­ing Point
Regions: Aziz, Khana­da, San­hedralite, & Tlon — General

You were a fan  back in the day and you are sur­prised that they are still play­ing?  There’s no time like the present to catch up. Check out their web­site at duranduran.com