New Shows on Mixcloud — Update!

We’ve uploaded three more pro­grammes to our “Lis­ten Again” facil­i­ty on Mix­cloud: Tarot @ Teatime Episode 31, on The Tech of Tarot; Where Have You Been? Series 2, Episode 9: Return to Svar­ga; and Episode 7 of The MOST.

Tarot @ Teatime Episode 31: The Tech of Tarot

Due to a tech­ni­cal fault, we were not able to broad­cast this episode on May 8th as planned. Instead, you can lis­ten to it here.

In Episode 31, we delve into the var­i­ous tech­nolo­gies that need­ed to come togeth­er to make Tarot cards as we know them pos­si­ble. We dis­cuss how the tools, mate­ri­als and tech­niques invent­ed in Chi­na informed the devel­op­ment of mate­r­i­al cul­ture in Renais­sance Italy and France, and led to the evo­lu­tion and devel­op­ment of Tarot cards. We con­sid­er the com­ing togeth­er of a very spe­cif­ic com­bi­na­tion of tech­nolo­gies and cul­tures, that result­ed in Tarot emerg­ing from the fer­tile soil of the Renais­sance — and what made the envi­ron­ment so per­fect for the evo­lu­tion of this game at this spe­cif­ic era. As we’ll see, Renais­sance Italy cre­at­ed the per­fect envi­ron­ment for the emer­gence of the Tarot deck as play­ing cards.

Where Have You Been? Episode S02E9: Return to Svarga

In Series 2, Episode 9, we vis­it a fab­u­lous loca­tion from the dim past: Svar­ga. It was cre­at­ed in 2006 by Laukosar­gas Svarog, and even in those days it was a must-see des­ti­na­tion — an excel­lent exam­ple of the vir­tu­al builder’s craft. It’s immer­sive, and uses a rich mix­ture of shape and tex­tur­ing to evoke the world of the Gods from Slav­ic mythology.

It’s one of the regions pre­served by Lin­den Lab as being of spe­cial his­tor­i­cal inter­est — and we also dis­cuss the SLRPS (Sec­ond Life Region Preser­va­tion Soci­ety) and some of the oth­er his­toric regions pre­served under its ban­ner. Read more about this episode here.

The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track: Episode 7

In this episode, Susan­nah spins sounds by some of the best com­posers in the crime-jazz busi­ness:  tracks by Elmer Bern­stein, Michel Legrand, Bob Crewe and Charles Fox,  among oth­ers, and music from films and TV shows, includ­ing Drag­net, The Thomas Crown Affair, Bar­barel­la, and more.


Check out our past pro­gram­ming on Mix­cloud.