Where’ve You Been 14: The Haunted Mansion Tribute

Wednes­day, August 18th sees the pre­miere of a brand new episode in our series “Where’ve You Been?”, where we look at things to do and places to see in and around the Sec­ond Life Grid.

In Episode 14, we find that Hal­lowe’en starts ear­ly as we vis­it The Haunt­ed Man­sion Trib­ute.

Too soon for Hal­loween?  If you know some­one who is a seri­ous fan of the cel­e­bra­tion, you know that it can nev­er be too soon. In this episode we vis­it the Haunt­ed Man­sion on Lythria — adja­cent to Bach­man­n’s larg­er amuse­ment and car­ni­val area. Owned by Nance Clowes, it is a trib­ute to the theme park attrac­tion first devel­oped by Walt Dis­ney Imag­i­neers for Dis­ney­land, and then sub­se­quent­ly for Walt Dis­ney World and oth­er Dis­ney destinations.

The own­er was kind enough to give us a tour, where we learned that there are many more secrets than you might imag­ine hid­den with­in these hal­lowed haunt­ed walls. Inspired specif­i­cal­ly by the Walt Dis­ney World Man­sion, this trib­ute cre­ation includes a secret gallery cel­e­brat­ing the work of the leg­endary Mark Davis. And if you hap­pen to be the lucky ran­dom guest that gets just the right Doom Bug­gy, you might be treat­ed to a spe­cial tour of the Man­sion that is slight­ly dif­fer­ent from the one most guests experience.


NOTE: In the episode we men­tion not being able to access the attrac­tion audio.  We have since suc­cess­ful­ly expe­ri­enced it, but are includ­ing the links below because we said we would, and you might enjoy them. Be sure to turn on Sounds in your view­er when you go to expe­ri­ence the Haunt­ed Man­sion trib­ute in Sec­ond Life.

The Haunt­ed Man­sion Full Sound­track (Remas­tered 2007 Refur­bish­ment | Walt Dis­ney World)

The Haunt­ed Man­sion: Full Attrac­tion Sound­track (Dis­ney­land Park)

For more infor­ma­tion on this clas­sic theme park attrac­tion in the phys­i­cal world, vis­it Wikipedia or disney.fandom.com.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: We also men­tion Mouse World in today’s episode.  There are con­flict­ing reports as to whether Mouse World still exists. We are aware that there are still some events that hap­pen annu­al­ly that are pre­sent­ed under the Mouse World ban­ner, whether or not the full trib­ute park still exists.

Each episode of “Where’ve You Been?” is broad­cast on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days for two weeks, at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm and mid­night UK time.