Jack Flanders in Steam Dreamers of Inverness

Tune in on Friday for the next episode of another exciting radio serial from our friends at ZBS Foundation: “Steam Dreamers of Inverness — Series One” - in which Jack Flanders and his friends have an exciting Steampunk adventure!
The complete adventure consists of twelve half-hour episodes, in four series of four episodes each, broadcast at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT on Fridays. Currently we are broadcasting the four episodes of the first series.
Now read on…
The Story: Steam Dreamers Series 1
Jack, Mojo and Claudine discover a strange device in the old Victorian mansion of Inverness; a holographic projector that operates on steam. The projector is loaded with glass slides: as they whirl around, a black & white photographic image is projected into the center of the room. The photo is of a town set in Victorian times. As they watch, different slides slip into the machine; they’re now seeing people, horses, and carriages; the men wear top hats, the women bustles. High above, hovering over the town, is a gigantic zeppelin.
With just the slightest intention, or desire, they can be anywhere within the town. They are so intrigued, so captivated, they begin to wonder, “Can this become addictive?” Why was this room sealed away and kept secret? Over time, they can no longer discern whether the photographic images are real, or merely their own daydreams and desires. Within this strange room of swirling steam, shadows & light, they do not wish to wake up from this dream. Four episodes.
Here’s an audio sample:
For fans of audio drama, radio drama, radio adventure, adventure radio drama, radio mysteries and exotic metaphysical mysteries. Illustration by Jaye Oliver.
Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or on your smart speaker, “Play Virtual Community Radio!”
And don’t forget that if you enjoy this or any of our presentations of ZBS radio dramas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.