The Magic of The Musical — The Playlist

The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal is the month­ly series, host­ed by Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er with spe­cial guests, which looks at the his­to­ry, lore and songs of the musi­cal the­atre. It’s broad­cast from the Gold Hall at Angel Manor in Sec­ond Life before a live audi­ence at 2pm SLT/Pacific Time, on the third Sat­ur­day in the month.

After the show has aired, we post it on our “Lis­ten Again” ser­vice at Mix­cloud, so you can catch any shows you missed, or to hear them again.

From now on, that’s even eas­i­er to do, as we’ve pre­pared a Mix­cloud Playlist con­tain­ing all the Mag­ic of the Musi­cal shows that are avail­able on Mix­cloud (for tech­ni­cal rea­sons, the odd show may be miss­ing — but S01E07, “Every­thing Addams”, is now avail­able where pre­vi­ous­ly it was omit­ted). Just fol­low the link or go to our Mix­cloud Pro­file at and choose the Playlist link, then select The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal.