The Magic of The Musical: Series 2 Episode 1 now on Mixcloud

MUSICAL THEATER FANS:  Our sec­ond sea­son of month­ly shows, live from Angel Manor, began on April 15… but if you missed it, here’s your chance to catch up: Lis­ten again on Mixcloud!

“Musi­cals with­in Musicals”

Every­thing is “meta” these days, but just a few cul­tur­al rev­o­lu­tions ago a young and devel­op­ing Amer­i­can musi­cal the­ater dis­cov­ered the val­ue of self-ref­er­en­tial sto­ry­telling. This episode looks at musi­cals which “break the fourth wall” by acknowl­edg­ing the audi­ence — and even include their own musicals!

Lis­ten again on Mixcloud!

“The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal” explores the blend­ing of music and dra­ma with host Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er, fea­tur­ing the songs, his­to­ry and lore that make up the musi­cal the­ater canon.

This orig­i­nal month­ly series focus­es on dif­fer­ent aspects of musi­cal the­ater in each episode, with spe­cial guests pos­sess­ing inti­mate knowl­edge and involve­ment in the form to con­tribute to the dis­cus­sion, lib­er­al­ly spiced with orig­i­nal cast and oth­er record­ings mak­ing up an excit­ing and fas­ci­nat­ing hour-long show.

Learn more about some of your favorite shows and com­posers as we cue the orches­tra and the over­ture begins!

The show was record­ed live on Sat­ur­day, April 15th, in the beau­ti­ful Gold Hall at Angel Manor in Sec­ond Life.

We’ve Got Mag­ic to Do!

The musi­cals fea­tured in this episode:

The Fan­ta­sticks — music by Har­vey Schmidt and book and lyrics by Tom Jones (1960)

A Fun­ny Thing Hap­pened on the Way to the Forum — Stephen Sond­heim, Burt Shevel­ove and Lar­ry Gel­bart (1962)

Man of La Man­cha  — book by Dale Wasser­man, music by Mitch Leigh, and lyrics by Joe Dar­i­on (1965)

Cabaret  — John Kan­der, Fred Ebb and Joe Mas­teroff (1966)

Pip­pin — music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and book by Roger O. Hir­son (1972)

The Mys­tery of Edwin Drood – by Rupert Holmes (1985)

Urine­town — music by Mark Holl­mann, lyrics by Holl­mann and Greg Kotis, and book by Kotis (2001)

Spa­malot — score by John Du Prez and Eric Idle, with lyrics and book by Idle (2005)