Where Have You Been? S02E15: Hello Kitty Tribute

In this episode of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”  we vis­it the 4- region “Hel­lo Kit­ty” trib­ute theme park on the Astralia regions. Hel­lo Kit­ty is the lit­tle adorable white cat char­ac­ter who is num­bered among the high­est gross­ing media fran­chis­es of all time.

Astralia Cre­ations is a cloth­ing and décor cre­ator in Sec­ond Life, fea­tur­ing a wide vari­ety of prod­ucts, many of which fea­ture a graph­ic style and col­or palette sim­i­lar to the pop­u­lar Japan­ese char­ac­ter Hel­lo Kit­ty and the addi­tion­al char­ac­ters that make up the Hel­lo Kit­ty brand.

Hel­lo Kit­ty is a promi­nent part of the cute­ness cul­ture, or kawaii aes­thet­ic, of Japan­ese pop­u­lar cul­ture which includes enter­tain­ment, cloth­ing, food, toys, per­son­al appear­ance, and man­ner­isms. In Kitty’s world there are at least ten char­ac­ters, includ­ing Kit­ty her­self, and a host of oth­er objects and details in that world’s sig­na­ture sim­ple style.

This episode airs on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days from July 27 to August 6 inclusive.

Astralia — Hel­lo Kit­ty Trib­ute Park
Regions: Astralia 1, 2, 3, 4. All regions rat­ed General.