A Celtic Festival

Wel­come to a Celtic Music Fes­ti­val fea­tur­ing music from around the Celtic Lands, along­side music inspired by or express­ing Celtic themes, in cel­e­bra­tion of yes­ter­day’s Sum­mer Solstice.

Today you’ll hear a wide vari­ety of Celtic and Celtic-influ­enced mate­r­i­al, with orches­tral works like Shaun Dav­ey’s Bren­dan Voy­age; a wide range of per­for­mances by tra­di­tion­al Celtic artists; and music inspired by the Celtic her­itage. There are also some large-scale per­for­mances from artists like Celtic Woman, Celtic Thun­der and even the Cincin­nati Pops! And lis­ten out for some of the Celtic/Goddess themed pieces from Nashville-based artist Lau­ra Pow­ers’ Leg­ends of the God­dess tril­o­gy, along with Rut­land Boughton’s sel­­dom-heard clas­sic, first per­formed in Glas­ton­bury between the wars, The Immor­tal Hour.

If you are a Sec­ond Life res­i­dent, join us at VCRa­dio Tow­er on SLB Imag­ine today at 1pm SLT for a live pre­sen­ta­tion from the hosts of our orig­i­nal series, “Tarot @ Teatime” enti­tled “De-Mys­ti­fy­ing the Tarot”.

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