From Classical to Romantic

Today, Sat­ur­day 11th June, we explore a lit­tle of the music writ­ten at the bor­ders of the Clas­si­cal and Roman­tic eras, focus­ing on the work of some well-known com­posers born in the last 30 years of the 18th Cen­tu­ry. And at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/Second Life Time, tune in for the lat­est episode of our orig­i­nal series on things to do and places to vis­it around the Sec­ond Life Grid — “Where Have You Been?” This time we pay a vis­it to The Elven For­est and have a dis­cus­sion on Role­play. Plus don’t miss “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every four hours from 4am Pacific.

In this episode of “Where Have You Been?” we are vis­it­ing an old friend of ours — The Elven For­est. It’s a very long estab­lished des­ti­na­tion that is always worth a vis­it if you are into mys­ti­cal forests and myth­i­cal crea­tures. It’s home to elves, fae, fairy, drow, fauns, satyrs, mer, cen­taurs, drag­ons, nymphs, wiz­ards, dryads & petites — and more! It clas­si­fies itself as a “Role Play Light” region: there may be role­play in progress, but par­tic­i­pa­tion in it is not required. It’s been around for ages, and they have a wide buf­fet of dif­fer­ent set­tings, and a pret­ty active com­mu­ni­ty fea­tur­ing dance par­ties most weekends.

Vis­it Elven For­est in Sec­ond Life at

Check out their web­site at

“Wan­der­er above the Sea of Fog”  is an oil paint­ing c. 1818 by the Ger­man Roman­tic artist Cas­par David Friedrich. It has been con­sid­ered one of the mas­ter­pieces of Roman­ti­cism and one of its most rep­re­sen­ta­tive works. It resides in the Kun­sthalle Ham­burg, Germany.