Tarot @ Teatime — Episode 31: The Tech of Tarot

In Episode 31, we delve into the var­i­ous tech­nolo­gies that need­ed to come togeth­er to make Tarot cards as we know them pos­si­ble. We dis­cuss how the tools, mate­ri­als and tech­niques invent­ed in Chi­na informed the devel­op­ment of mate­r­i­al cul­ture in Renais­sance Italy and France, and led to the evo­lu­tion and devel­op­ment of Tarot cards. We con­sid­er the com­ing togeth­er of a very spe­cif­ic com­bi­na­tion of tech­nolo­gies and cul­tures, that result­ed in Tarot emerg­ing from the fer­tile soil of the Renais­sance — and what made the envi­ron­ment so per­fect for the evo­lu­tion of this game at this spe­cif­ic era. As we’ll see, Renais­sance Italy cre­at­ed the per­fect envi­ron­ment for the emer­gence of the Tarot deck as play­ing cards.

Episode 31 pre­mieres on Thurs­day April 28th at 12 noon and 4pm /SLT Pacif­ic Time (8pm and mid­night in the UK) and is repeat­ed at the same times on Sun­days and Thurs­days up to and includ­ing May 8th.

Image: Cards from the Sola Bus­ca deck (1491), a major influ­ence on Pamela Col­man Smith.