Moon Over Morocco: Episode 8

TODAY on Virtual Community Radio — Friday, February 25th, noon or 4pm Pacific / 8pm and midnight in the UK, the EIGHTH installment of…
Once in a far away land there existed a knowledge of natural magic that has been lost to modern man. Jack Flanders treks to Morocco, believing that in this primitive country, where magic remains an integral part of daily life, he may find this knowledge. Jack discovers far more than he expected when he steps through the Gate of Peacocks, the entrance to that lost world. Jack has stepped out of modern day Morocco and into the realm where the knowledge of magic is a requisite survival skill. Here’s a couple of tastes of this week’s episode…
The environments in Moon Over Morocco were recorded by author M. Fulton while travelling around that country. You’ll hear the Medina, the Casbah, the music of the snake charmers, the lonely call to prayer from the minaret of the mosque, the dogs of Tangier as the moon becomes full, the music of the desert tribes recorded in the Sahara and Berber music recorded at festivals in the Grand Atlas and Rif Mountains. Music was recorded by Paul Bowles. Ten hour-long episodes.
Featuring Robert Lesser as Kasbah Kelly, Dave Adams as Mojo Sam and Taurean Blacque as the Storyteller Mustafa. And of course Robert Lorick as Jack Flanders / King Hassan Bizel / El Kabah
Following on the success of The Fourth Tower of Inverness, Meatball Fulton set about working on a sequel in 1973. Fulton described the story “a mystery fantasy with a whiff of Casablanca about it”. He spent a month in Morocco recording ambient sounds and music for the production. Fulton stayed with the writer Paul Bowles in Tangier and learned about Moroccan magic practices from him. The production also used traditional Moroccan music recorded by Bowles for the festival scenes. The recordings helped inspire his writing, Fulton told Billboard magazine. “It’s so real, you’ll even be able to smell the flowers and spice and dry earth of Morocco. Ah, yes. Escapism at its finest,” he said.
About ZBS
“ZBS is a not-for-profit arts organization. They have been in existence since 1970. For 50 years they’ve been producing radio/audio stories. These are comic and cosmic adventures, science fiction, mystical mysteries – some with spiritual wisdoms woven within. Their intention has always been to raise consciousness by using the media, radio and audio. Of course, some of these stories are just down right fun, fine family entertainment. Laughter is a great healer, as you know. We’re all living in the Cosmic Joke, and one day we may actually “get” the punch line. But in the meantime, remember, kindness to others, people, plants, animals, even the earth and the clouds, we can all do. It makes us feel better, it probably even makes the clouds feel better. We hope you enjoy their stories.
“If there are stories you fall in love with, and would like to own, you can buy them at”