Tarot @ Teatime Episode 25: Cards that Look Scary

Begin­ning Feb­ru­ary 3rd, we’re pleased to re-broad­cast a live pre­sen­ta­tion from Octo­ber 2021 by the hosts of our orig­i­nal series: “Tarot @ Teatime” air­ing Thurs­days and Sun­days at noon and 4pm Pacif­ic Time/SLT, 8pm and mid­night in the UK. This pro­gramme was orig­i­nal­ly pre­sent­ed live and on-the-air in Octo­ber as part of The 2021 Haunt­ed Hol­low. This episode will also air on Feb­ru­ary 6th, 10th, and 13th.

Episode 25: Cards that look scary
Some cards in the Tarot have images that are poten­tial­ly off putting, scary, or creepy. We’ll con­sid­er why these cards may evoke a neg­a­tive response for some peo­ple, how to see them in a dif­fer­ent light, and how they can be inter­pret­ed in a Tarot reading.

Would live tarot read­ings add a some­thing unique to your in-world event or venue? Inquire to H0neyHeart Res­i­dent by note­card in-world, or email tarot@vcradio.org.

Missed any episodes? Catch them on our Mix­Cloud feed!