A Tale of Two Galleries

Premiering on Wednesday, November 10th, at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT, 8pm and midnight in the UK, Episode 20 of our Second Life travel show “Where Have You Been?“features two very different art galleries in Second Life, yet pursuing similar goals of access to both artists and residents: The Love&Love Factory Art Gallery and The Elven Falls Art Collective.
The Love&Love Factory Art Gallery, owned by Bohemi0 Love, energetically presents artists from around the world — putting their work in vibrant context. The gallery actively fosters connections between real world and virtual art and artists covering a broad spectrum of styles and visual genres.
Note: there was some confusion created in the episode by a reference to an August exhibition entitled “From the Virtual to the tangible: Introspection in the virtual world.” We apologize for that confusion.
The artists on exhibit as of 11.8.21 are: Abstracts by Life Charron, mixed media by IamLouvre Resident, sculptural forms by Suzanne Graves, and “Song of Dinosaur” by Yoko Ayukawa.
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/675165893325040
FB Page2: https://www.facebook.com/LoveandLoveFactory
The Elven Falls Art Collective is an art destination which just recently opened in September, and is filled to the brim by an incredible number of artists and artwork. Aries Hax serves as the Gallery Manager, and Antoine Mambazo is the Curator. They house everything from one or two works by a single artist, to themed galleries and featured exhibitions on their half region site. There is a great deal of well-curated free space, and the gallery itself does not take a cut of any sales made at the Collective.
Their space consists of 4 double floored galleries, 6 stores plus a sculpture park which is also available to exhibit larger works. Also they have the ‘Left Bank’, an area where artists may display a few examples of their work, free of charge.