Tarot @ Teatime, Episode 17: Tarot History

It’s Thurs­day, Octo­ber 14th and time for anoth­er new episode in our pop­u­lar orig­i­nal series, “Tarot @ Tea Time”.

In Episode 17, Hon­ey and Wil­low explore the fas­ci­nat­ing 600 year his­to­ry of the Tarot. They dis­cuss sig­nif­i­cant places, peo­ple, and dates as well as when occult sys­tems such as astrol­o­gy, Kab­bal­ah, Egypt­ian mythol­o­gy, and alche­my came to be asso­ci­at­ed with Tarot.

Resources men­tioned include:

Cher­ryl E. Smith, tarot-heritage.com
Robert M. Place, robertmplacetarot.com
Robert M. Place, The Tarot: His­to­ry, sym­bol­ism, and Div­ina­tion, Tarcher­Perigee (2005), ISBN-10 : 1585423491

For Tarot de Mar­seille and old­er styles of cards and card reading:
Caitlin Matthews, Untold Tarot: The Lost Art of Read­ing Ancient Tarots, Schif­fer Books (2018), ISBN : 978–0‑7643–5561‑5
Yoav Ben-Dov, The Mar­seille Tarot Revealed: A Com­plete Guide to Sym­bol­ism, Mean­ing & Meth­ods, ISBN : 0738752280
Camelia Elias, Read Like The Dev­il: The Essen­tial Course in Read­ing the Mar­seille Tarot, Eye­corner Press, ISBN : 8792633668