Introducing… ZBS: Audio Adventure At Its Finest

Today, Friday September 17th, sees the start of a new set of radio drama series from our friends at ZBS Foundation. Beginning as a commune of radio producers in an island studio farm in upstate New York, the “Zeebers” started by creating radio commercials and other projects including albums for DJs to promote new record company releases.
In 1972 they created their first radio drama series, The Fourth Tower of Inverness, about an intrepid and unintentional adventurer, Jack Flanders, who sets about discovering the mysteries inside a hidden tower in an old Victorian mansion. We’ll be broadcasting The Fourth Tower starting next week, Friday 24th.
This week, we are bringing you a special 80-minute introduction to the work of ZBS Foundation, at 12 noon and 4pm Pacific / 8pm or midnight in the UK.
Meatball Fulton, the pseudonymous creator of Jack, Ruby, The Android Sisters, and many other characters and tales that we will be broadcasting over the coming months, was asked by “Hear Now: The Audio Fiction & Arts Festival,” to put together a retrospective for the festival.
He selected scenes from many of ZBS’s consciousness-raising “Stories for the Soul”, which mix SF, fantasy, mysticism and humour, starting with “The Fourth Tower of Inverness,” and on through the decades.
In fact, he created quite a lavish production, weaving in his comments along with Tim Clark’s music which is used extensively in ZBS series. You can hear it today.
Our grateful thanks to Tom Lopez at ZBS for making their recordings available for us to broadcast. You can read more about Tom and ZBS here.
“ZBS is a not-for-profit arts organization. We have been in existence since 1970. For over 50 years we’ve been producing radio/audio stories. These are comic and cosmic adventures, science fiction, mystical mysteries – some with spiritual wisdoms woven within. Our intention has always been to raise consciousness by using the media, radio and audio. Of course, some of these stories are just down right fun, fine family entertainment. Laughter is a great healer, as you know. We’re all living in the Cosmic Joke, and one day we may actually “get” the punch line. But in the meantime, remember, kindness to others, people, plants, animals, even the earth and the clouds, we can all do. It makes us feel better, it probably even makes the clouds feel better. We hope you enjoy our stories.”
And don’t forget that if you enjoy what you hear from ZBS, you can buy many of their series as downloads, on USB sticks and other media, at the web site, or stream them for the cost of an inexpensive subscription at