Where’ve You Been — Live from SL18B

Sun­day, June 27 sees a sec­ond spe­cial edi­tion of “Where’ve You Been?”, broad­cast live from SL18B, the Com­mu­ni­ty Cel­e­bra­tion of 18 years of the vir­tu­al world of Sec­ond Life.

At 3pm Pacif­ic / 11pm in the UK, join us for a live, extend­ed edi­tion of our Sec­ond Life trav­el show, “Where’ve You Been?”, where Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er and Elrik Mer­lin trav­el around the SL Grid, find­ing inter­est­ing things to do and places to see. This time, from our Dis­cov­ery Tent on the ground floor, Lev­el 1, of our exhib­it on SLB Aston­ish, we’ll dis­cuss some of the sights and sites around the SL18B. Join us on SL18B Aston­ish — or sim­ply tune in to https://main.vcradio.org .

In addi­tion, you can enjoy the broad­cast of the lat­est edi­tion of “Tarot @ Teatime” — our pop­u­lar show demys­ti­fy­ing the Tarot — at noon or 4pm Pacif­ic / 8pm or mid­night in the UK.


Camp­bell Coast exhibit

Camp­bell Coast’s Hid­den Worlds by Kit­ten Mills


Antiq­ui­ty exhibit



Pur­ple Wings airfield

Pur­ple Wing — The Wings of the Chal­lengers by Tina Grace


The Arche­type of Emer­gence — Vanessajane66



Inara Pey: Liv­ing In A Modem World — “Artist and the Art” (June 21, 2021)


Inara Pey: Liv­ing In A Modem World — “Your Pock­et Guide to The Cel­e­bra­tion” (June 17, 2021)


SL18B Des­ti­na­tions
