Virtual Community Radio at SL18B

VCRa­dio is going to a par­ty — the biggest par­ty on the Sec­ond Life grid. We’ll be at the Sec­ond Life 18th Birth­day cel­e­bra­tion — SL18B — open­ing June 17 and run­ning through July 1st.

We’ve set up head­quar­ters on SLB Aston­ish, and our plans include a spe­cial edi­tion of the month­ly new age music show The Grove, spe­cial live pre­sen­ta­tions of our sig­na­ture fea­tures Tarot @ Teatime and Where Have You Been? plus a fun triv­ia trea­sure hunt right at VCRa­dio SLB Headquarters!

Check out the sched­ule below, and look for post­ings on our Face­book page and in-world lists, then join us at the party!

Virtual Community Radio SL18B Schedule

All tim­ings are Sec­ond Life / Pacif­ic Time

Vis­it our SL18B Head­quar­ters on SLB Aston­ish:

The Grove re-cre­at­ed on Lev­el 3 of VCRa­dio’s SLB HQ

*Thurs­day, June 17thSL18B Opens to the Sec­ond Life Pub­lic. Come and find us on SLB Aston­ish.

*Sat­ur­day, June 19th @ 2pm: “The Grove” — 90 min­utes of New Age music on a star­lit sea, pre­sent­ed live from The Grove, on the top lev­el, Lev­el 3, of VCRa­dio HQ @ SL18B

Lev­el 1 with the “Where’ve You Been?” Dis­cov­ery Tent

*Sun­day, June 20th  @ 3pm: “Where’ve You Been?” presents a spe­cial half hour show, live from the ground floor lev­el, Lev­el 1, of  VCRa­dio HQ @ SLB

*Sun­day, June 20th @ 6pm: VCRa­dio’s Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er is at the DJ Stage with an hour of Elec­tro-Swing Music

*Tues­day, June 22nd @ 6am: VCRa­dio’s Elrik Mer­lin is at the DJ Stage with an hour of Clas­sic Euro-Rock to encour­age your fes­tive spirits

The stage area on Lev­el 2 — the Tarot Level

*Wednes­day, June 23rd @ 9am: Tarot @ Teatime’s Wil­low Moon­fire & Hon­ey Heart will present a spe­cial live show at the SLB Audi­to­ri­um

*Sun­day, June 27th  @ 3pm: “Where’ve You Been?” presents a spe­cial half hour show, live from  Lev­el 1 at VCRa­dio HQ @ SLB

*Wednes­day, June 30th  @ 5pm: Tarot @ Teatime’s Wil­low Moon­fire & Hon­ey Heart will present a spe­cial half hour show, live from the Tarot Lev­el, Lev­el 2 at  VCRa­dio HQ @ SLB

To Be Announced: Tarot @ Teatime’s Wil­low Moon­fire & Hon­ey Heart hope to present an addi­tion­al spe­cial half hour show, live from Lev­el 2 at VCRa­dio HQ @ SLB, at a time/date to be determined