
It may be freez­ing and snow­ing out­side, but just think: Spring is not that far away. Tune in today for a pro­gramme of melod­ic, often orches­tral music as we fea­ture music that evokes the nat­ur­al world in all its glory.

And don’t for­get that at 22:00 GMT / 2pm Pacif­ic, we’ll be hold­ing our first gath­er­ing at The Grove for 90 min­utes of New Age music — and if you are in Sec­ond Life, do join us in The Grove: SLURL

In addi­tion, if you missed the first episode of our series “Where’ve You Been”, explor­ing things to do and places to vis­it around the Grid, it will be repeat­ed at 12 noon and 4pm Pacif­ic, that’s 20:00 and mid­night Sat/Sun GMT.

“UnFir­leing the Beau­ty of the East Sus­sex Coun­try­side” by antony­cham­mond is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0