Tag Archives: SL19B

“Where Have You Been?” Live from SL19B

Today, Sat­ur­day 25th June, at 2pm Pacific/SLT, that’s 10pm in the UK, we are broad­cast­ing a spe­cial LIVE edi­tion of our orig­i­nal series, “Where Have You Been?”, where we talk about things to do and places to see around the Sec­ond Life Grid. We’ll be broad­cast­ing live from the VCRa­dio Tow­er at the Sec­ond Life 19th Birth­day Com­mu­ni­ty Cel­e­bra­tions, and we’ll be giv­ing our picks from SL19B and sug­gest­ing a selec­tion of loca­tions around the SLB regions that you might enjoy vis­it­ing. We wel­come you to come along and join the stu­dio audi­ence for this spe­cial live show. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB%20Imagination/110/188/24

Our Fea­tured Music today is relax­ing, tune­ful and large­ly instru­men­tal Smooth Jazz.


Because we’re run­ning this spe­cial live edi­tion, we won’t be broad­cast­ing “Where Have You Been?” at the usu­al times today. How­ev­er we will be repeat­ing this live edi­tion in the reg­u­lar time slots on the 29th and July 2nd.