Tag Archives: production music

Music from the International Lounge

Today’s pro­gramme brings you a selec­tion of pri­mar­i­ly instru­men­tal music, and pri­mar­i­ly from the 1960s as we present a com­fort­able sojourn in the Inter­na­tion­al Lounge.

You’ll hear instru­men­tal — and oth­er — arrange­ments of well-known tunes of the peri­od, along with the best of pop­u­lar pro­duc­tion music and themes from the 60s. Most of the mate­r­i­al is from the Unit­ed King­dom, the Unit­ed States and occa­sion­al­ly main­land Europe: so at least it some­what deserves the label “inter­na­tion­al”.

Today, of course, “lounge music” is ter­ri­bly fash­ion­ably retro, and no longer con­signed to the old vinyl bin in the char­i­ty shop under the head­ing “Easy Lis­ten­ing”. So tune in, sit back, let the bar-ten­der bring you a gin and ton­ic with ice and lemon, and enjoy your stay in the Inter­na­tion­al Lounge.