Tag Archives: party

Anniversary Weekend Continues…

Today, Jan­u­ary 1st 2022, marks the sec­ond day of our 1st Anniver­sary celebrations.

Our FEATURED MUSIC today is  Sat­ur­day At The Movies — On the air all day apart from times not­ed below.

Sec­ond Life res­i­dents, don’t miss our ICE-SKATING JAZZ PARTY with DJ Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er — at the Win­ter Hol­low Skat­ing Pond in Sec­ond Life, 2–4pm SLT. If you can’t be there in per­son, tune in to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio and catch the music. On The Air and in Sec­ond Life.

And tune in for THE MOST EPISODE 3 - join your host Susan­nah for the third episode of  The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track - this month with music by com­posers includ­ing Ennio Mor­ri­cone, Les Bax­ter and John Bar­ry; from movies and TV series includ­ing tracks from Hell’s Belles, Sex And The Sin­gle Girl, East Side/West Side and more. Catch the show at 12:30pm & 4:30pm Pacif­ic Time/SLT, 8:30pm and 12:30am in the UK. On The Air.