Tag Archives: moon

The Space Programme: Apollo 11

Space Music and a space documentary.

Wednes­day 24th July 2024: 55 years ago this week, the Apol­lo 11 space­craft’s Com­mand Mod­ule sep­a­rat­ed from the Lunar Excur­sion Mod­ule and began its return to Earth after the first human being had stepped out of the LEM and set foot upon the Moon. Today, in a spe­cial pro­gramme by our sad­ly passed dear friend Peter Car­bines, that we’ve broad­cast annu­al­ly from the start of the sta­tion (and beyond), we cel­e­brate the mis­sion’s achieve­ment in music, and in a spe­cial music- and actu­al­i­ty-based documentary.

The Space Programme: Apollo 11

Today we present some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent… Space Music and a space documentary.

On this day, July 22, 1969, 54 years ago, the Apol­lo 11 space­craft’s Com­mand Mod­ule sep­a­rat­ed from the Lunar Excur­sion Mod­ule and began its return to Earth after the first human being had stepped out of the LEM and set foot upon the Moon ear­ly the pre­vi­ous day. Today, in pro­gram­ming we’ve broad­cast annu­al­ly from the start of the sta­tion (and beyond), we cel­e­brate the mis­sion’s achieve­ment in music, and in a spe­cial music- and actu­al­i­ty-based documentary.

The Space Programme: Apollo 11

Today we present some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent… Space Music and a space documentary.

On this day, July 23, in 1969, 53 years ago, the Apol­lo 11 space­craft returned to Earth after the first human being had stepped out of the Apol­lo 11’s Lunar Excur­sion Mod­ule and set foot upon the Moon a few days before. Today we cel­e­brate that achieve­ment in music.

The Space Programme: Apollo 11

Today we present some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent… Space Music.

On this day, July 21, in 1969, 52 years ago, the first human being stepped out of the Apol­lo 11’s Lunar Excur­sion Mod­ule and set foot upon the Moon. Today we cel­e­brate that achieve­ment in music.