Tag Archives: Literature

The Black Mass: Fridays at 4pm Pacific

The Black Mass

Every Fri­day at 4pm Pacif­ic time (mid­night Fri/Sat GMT), join us for an episode from the land­mark radio dra­ma series The Black Mass, cre­at­ed at the Paci­fi­ca radio sta­tion KPFA in Berke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia, over fifty years ago. In 30 chill­ing tales of mys­tery, imag­i­na­tion and the human mind, The Black Mass brings you some of literature’s most haunt­ing sto­ries, by mas­ters of the craft.

Realised with the min­i­mum of audio equip­ment, the per­for­mances were quite remark­able and trod ground sel­dom cov­ered by radio dra­ma before — or since. The series includes a lit­tle over 30 episodes of eight to 30 min­utes each. They will be ran­dom­ly select­ed for broadcast.

Note that episodes will not start until the track play­ing at the top of the hour has fin­ished, so the actu­al start time of the episode may be a few min­utes after the hour.

Coming Soon: The Black Mass

The Black Mass

Com­ing short­ly to Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio is the land­mark radio dra­ma series The Black Mass, cre­at­ed at the Paci­fi­ca radio sta­tion KPFA in Berke­ley, CA, over fifty years ago. In 30 chill­ing tales of mys­tery, imag­i­na­tion and the human mind, The Black Mass brings you some of literature’s most haunt­ing sto­ries, by mas­ters of the craft.

Realised with the min­i­mum of audio equip­ment, the per­for­mances were quite remark­able and trod ground sel­dom cov­ered by radio dra­ma before — or since. Watch this space for details on when the shows will air. There are 30 episodes of up to 30 min­utes each, and each week­ly episode will be broad­cast twice on the same day, once for UK/European lis­ten­ers and the oth­er for those in North America.