Tag Archives: Glinka

The Glinka Gallery — Featuring artist Lash VV

June is Pride Month in the Unit­ed States and many oth­er coun­tries, and that’s just one of the rea­sons that we’re fea­tur­ing Wolf­gang Glinka’s Glin­ka Gallery in this edi­tion of “Where Have You Been?”.

For those who might not know, Pride Month start­ed in 1969 in the Unit­ed States as a response to the Stonewall riots, which served as a cat­a­lyst for the gay rights move­ment in the Unit­ed States and around the world. The obser­vance has grown and expand­ed over the years, and Pride Month cel­e­brates LGBTQIA+ cul­ture as well as work­ing to build rights awareness.

The Glin­ka Gallery holds reg­u­lar exhi­bi­tions and per­for­mances  on  the gallery’s five floors, fea­tur­ing fine art, sculp­ture, pho­tog­ra­phy, poet­ry, music and dance.