Tag Archives: ACS

Where Have You Been?: Calas Relay Honor Garden

This time on our orig­i­nal Sec­ond Life trav­el­ogue series, “Where Have You Been?”, we look at the col­lab­o­ra­tion of Calas Gal­ad­hon and The Grove in aid of Relay for Life of Sec­ond Life.

Calas Gal­ad­hon and The Grove are pre­sent­ing a very spe­cial joint build in sup­port of Relay For Life’s Relay Week­end — which recog­nis­es the sea­son of fundrais­ing with a 36-region track where peo­ple can walk and expe­ri­ence spe­cial camp­sites built in sup­port of the search for a cure to cancer.

Two of the 36 regions are des­ig­nat­ed as “Design­er Regions” and Calas Gal­ad­hon and The Grove have been asked to work on a col­lab­o­ra­tion for a spe­cial build.

The region is designed to be an inner reflec­tive expe­ri­ence and also fea­tures the Calas Relay Hon­or Gar­den, and the cre­ators invite res­i­dents to con­tribute pho­tos of peo­ple in tho­er lives who have been affect­ed by can­cer, and who they would like to honor.

The pro­gramme will air on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT/Pacific Time up to and includ­ing June 3rd.

S03E06 — Calas Relay Hon­or Garden
Own­er — Ty Tenk & Truck Merideth


Calas Gal­ad­hon Main Region — Mod­er­ate (find more infor­ma­tion on how to con­tribute a pho­to to the hon­or gar­den here)

  • Hon­or Gar­den pho­tos sub­mit­ted now through June 6
  • Spe­cial pre-open­ing event at the Calas/Grove design­er region June 8
    5 PM SLT — JimmyT
    6 PM SLT — Djem­be Dragonfire
    7 PM SLT – Steef
  • Relay Week­end – all regions open June 10
  • Wrap up June 14

ASC in SL — Memo­r­i­al Gardens

Friday 22nd: Elrik Merlin At Fantasy Faire’s Fairechylde

The four­teenth Fan­ta­sy Faire, in aid of the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety’s Relay for Life, is now open, with some amaz­ing fan­ta­sy regions and a whole lot of par­ty­ing! In that lat­ter vein, on Fri­day, April 22nd at 1pm Sec­ond Life Time, join VCRa­dio’s Elrik Mer­lin for two hours of clas­sic rock, at The Fairchylde, the Fan­ta­sy Faire fly­ing ship par­ty venue.

Here’s the loca­tion: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Effervescent%20Clefs/102/120/73 — don’t miss it!