Tag Archives: aac
We’re now available in AAC

We are pleased to let you know that in addition to our existing mp3 audio stream, we can now be heard in AAC, which may offer improved quality including better stereo and a cleaner sound, particularly as we improve other parts of our broadcast chain to match.
Perhaps more importantly, listeners will experience lower data usage as the AAC stream runs at 64kbps rather than the 128kbps that is used by the mp3 stream. We are currently upgrading our mobile apps to play the AAC stream — watch this space! The 128kbps mp3 stream is unaffected.
To tune in to the AAC stream, set your player to https://streaming.live365.com/a93871_2 Some network players (Winamp for example) won’t decode the AAC stream over an https path, so in that case use http://streaming.live365.com/a93871_2 An alternative is to use the short-cut http://aac.vcradio.org — but note that this does not work with all players (VLC works fine)
NOTE: AAC is not available in Second Life. Listeners in Second Life and other virtual environments that rely on the FMOD audio libraries should continue to use the existing mp3 stream as AAC is not supported by this library (and apparently never will be). You can, of course, run an ordinary network player while you’re in-world.