Jack Flanders in Steam Dreamers of Inverness — Series 4

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of anoth­er excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: “Steam Dream­ers of Inver­ness — Series Four” - in which Jack Flan­ders and his friends con­tin­ue their excit­ing Steam­punk adventure!

The com­plete adven­ture con­sists of 16 half-hour episodes, in four series of four episodes each, broad­cast at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT on Fri­days.

Cur­rent­ly we are broad­cast­ing the four episodes of the fourth and final series.

Now read on…



The Clock­work Kingdom

Back on the zep­pelin, The Illu­mi­na­to, our adven­tur­ers dis­cov­er a clock­work king­dom inhab­it­ed by mechan­i­cal crea­tures. These windup automa­ta are cov­ered with dust, they haven’t creaked their joints in decades.

Each of the automa­ta rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ent arche­type: the Magi­cian, the Wiz­ard, the Witch, the Gyp­sy, the High Priest­ess, the Dev­il, the Trick­ster, and the Grim Reaper!

Then one night, the automa­ta begin to move, they even speak, repeat­ing quaint say­ings, “Today is the tomor­row you wor­ried about yes­ter­day,” or, “Bet­ter the dev­il you know than the dev­il you don’t.” As they walk about, they wind each oth­er up.

Beneath the city is “The Great Clock,” it too has been silent for decades. The mechan­i­cal robots fol­low one anoth­er, spi­ral­ing down into the dark heart of the Clock. As they begin to wind the Clock, Jack begins to won­der, “Can this be Dooms­day?” Four episodes.

Illus­tra­tion by Jaye Oliver.

Here’s an audio sample:

For fans of audio dra­ma, radio dra­ma, radio adven­ture, adven­ture radio dra­ma, radio mys­ter­ies and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mys­ter­ies. Illus­tra­tion by Jaye Oliver.

Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or on your smart speak­er, “Play Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio!”

And don’t for­get that if you enjoy this or any of our pre­sen­ta­tions of ZBS radio dra­mas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.