Jack Flanders in Return to Inverness

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of anoth­er excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Return to Inver­ness - a 12-part sequel to the orig­i­nal Jack Flan­ders adven­ture, The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness.

This adven­ture con­sists  of 12 half-hour episodes, broad­cast at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT on Fridays.


Jack has inher­it­ed the Inver­ness man­sion from his late aunt, Lady Jowls. He’s also inher­it­ed the peo­ple that live there — the eccen­tric Lady Pom­pon and her quirky niece, Poo­dles; the mys­tic crow lady, Madame Trun­k­nose; the care­tak­er, Old Far See­ing Art; the chef, Wham Bam Shaz­an, and more. The man­sion has numer­ous hid­den slid­ing pan­els that lead into a maze of pas­sage­ways inside the hol­low walls. Things are dis­ap­pear­ing — clocks, fur­ni­ture, teapots, sneak­ers — but what­ev­er is tak­en is replaced with some­thing else. When all of Jack’s clothes van­ish, he finds his clos­et filled with 1930’s safari out­fits. So, Jack now wan­ders about Inver­ness look­ing as though he’s just returned from an African safari.

A strange ener­gy is increas­ing as the moon becomes full. It appears to be ema­nat­ing from the ruins of an old tem­ple with sev­en pil­lars stand­ing in a cir­cle. The ground trem­bles as the ener­gy slow­ly spreads out until it reach­es the man­sion, and then cups, lamps, lap­top com­put­ers and even over­stuffed chairs begin to float about.

Madame Trun­k­nose believes the ener­gy may be the awak­en­ing of a pagan god that dwells with­in the moun­tain. Jack calls his old friend, Mojo Sam the You­do Man, to help save Inver­ness before this ener­gy shakes every­thing apart. But then he hears the voice of Lit­tle Frie­da com­ing from that strange Fourth Tow­er that few have ever seen. Jack enters the tow­er, where he not only finds Lit­tle Frie­da, but also those shape-shift­ing demons known as the dread­ed “Rak­shasas!”

The beau­ti­ful and entic­ing Madon­na Vampyra returns to tempt poor Jack, and even the long dead Dr. Mazo­ola sud­den­ly appears! Tim Clark pro­vides the exquis­ite music, while Mojo tick­les the ivories as he once did in Moroc­co. It’s a feast of 12 30-minute episodes!

Here’s an audio sample…

​For fans of audio dra­ma, radio dra­ma, radio adven­ture, adven­ture radio dra­ma, radio mys­ter­ies and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mysteries.

And don’t for­get that if you enjoy this or any of our pre­sen­ta­tions of ZBS radio dra­mas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.