Virtual Community Radio Supports One Billion Rising

One Bil­lion Ris­ing in Sec­ond Life is an enor­mous cel­e­bra­tion of life through music and the arts, and Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s Elrik Mer­lin will be par­tic­i­pat­ing with a one hour DJ set of clas­sic rock from the  Live Music stage on OBR Unite in Sec­ond Life at 2pm slt/ of four regions full of art, music and dance

Make time to and vis­it the pow­er­ful art works, see the bril­liant dance groups and enjoy live musi­cians and DJs through­out the day, rais­ing con­scious­ness and join­ing this glob­al move­ment. OBR Sec­ond Life is not around for long, and there is much to see and absorb.  You can make a difference!

1 in 3 women across the plan­et will be beat­en or raped dur­ing her life­time. That’s ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. For the tenth year, today, Feb­ru­ary 14, 2022, men and women in Sec­ond Life will join activists, writ­ers, thinkers, celebri­ties, and peo­ple across the world to Rise, Resist and Unite as a show of uni­ty, indi­vid­ual strength, and the need for change. Click here for more about One Bil­lion Ris­ing in Sec­ond Life.

Every Feb­ru­ary, we rise – in coun­tries across the world – to show our local com­mu­ni­ties and the world what one bil­lion looks like and shine a light on the ram­pant impuni­ty and injus­tice that sur­vivors most often face.

We rise through dance to express joy and com­mu­ni­ty and cel­e­brate the fact that we have not been defeat­ed by this vio­lence. We rise to show we are deter­mined to cre­ate a new kind of con­scious­ness – one where vio­lence will be resist­ed until it is unthinkable.

