The Fourth Tower of Inverness — Week 2

Today, Fri­day Octo­ber 1st, we’re con­tin­u­ing the acclaimed and award-win­ning radio dra­ma series from ZBS Foun­da­tion, by kind per­mis­sion of Tom Lopez at ZBS. Tune in today for the sec­ond episode of The Fourth Tow­er of Inver­ness, the ZBS series that start­ed it all back in 1972.

This week: Will Meanie Eenie put an end to Jack Flan­ders with her meat cleaver? And what of the dragon?

We’re  run­ning a total of 13 30-minute episodes, one a week, on Fri­days at noon and 4pm Pacif­ic time / 8pm and mid­night in the UK.

This clas­sic sto­ry is filled with all kinds of teach­ings, from Ram Dass play­ing on the Wurl­itzer of Wis­doms, to the Tibetan wheel-of-life, to Sufi sto­ries, all woven into a humor­ous adven­ture tak­ing place in an old man­sion called Inver­ness. The man­sion has three tow­ers, but Jack Flan­ders has seen a fourth. When he final­ly enters the tow­er, he dis­cov­ers there are var­i­ous lev­els, and each lev­el con­tains anoth­er world.

Fea­tur­ing Robert Lorick as Jack Flan­ders, Valerie Manch­es as Lady Jowls, Mur­ray Head as Lord Jowls, and M. Ful­ton as Chief Wampum. It’s a must ​for fans of radio dra­ma and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mysteries.

We don’t own the rights to ZBS pro­duc­tions, so they will not be appear­ing on our Mix­Cloud chan­nel. But if you like what you hear from ZBS, don’t for­get that you can buy mp3 down­loads, USB sticks and even the odd CD of their pro­duc­tions at, or stream them with a sub­scrip­tion at And if you like what you hear, why not make a dona­tion on their web site?