Where Have You Been? S04E03: JudiLynn India

Wel­come to the third episode in a new sea­son of “Where Have You Been?”,  our series broad­cast on Wednes­days and Sat­ur­days at 12 noon and 4pm SLT, where we high­light places to go and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid.

It’s a busy time in SL, with major events rang­ing from the Sec­ond Life Birth­day cel­e­bra­tions, Relay for Life week­end, and more, mak­ing it hard­er to find the small­er, less-well-known peo­ple and events to cov­er. But Cale­do­nia was just com­pil­ing a list of open­ing and clos­ing dates for things when a notice waft­ed across her desk with the per­fect fea­ture — some­thing so com­pelling and strong that it could total­ly with­stand the impend­ing buf­fet­ing of these huge events.

On May 30th the Kon­dor Art Club opened an exhi­bi­tion enti­tled “Mes­sages” by artist Judi­Lynn India.  It’s open the entire month of June and it is real­ly stun­ning. Her use of col­or is dis­tinct and vibrant, her use of con­trast and line is bold — always, and her use of tex­ture and lay­ers is absolute­ly superb.

Judi­Lynn India has been work­ing in Sec­ond Life since 2009. Her mis­sion is to share her vision and mes­sage as an artist with the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty. She says, “My work embod­ies my spir­it and per­son­al­i­ty. My goal is to allow you to expe­ri­ence the image with your mind’s eye and allow it to affect you organ­i­cal­ly.  I gen­er­al­ly work intu­itive­ly, get­ting lost in the lay­er­ing of tex­ture and color.”

To learn more, tune in for “Where Have You Been?” on Wednes­days or Sat­ur­days at 12 noon or 4pm SLT/Pacific Time.

Own­er – Kon­dor Art Club — Her­mes Kondor
Roy­al Tea – Adult

Web­site: https://theartofjudilynn.pixels.com/

Face­book: as Judi­Lynn India

Cen­ter Ground Gallery of Art (Han Loso — Moderate)