Jack Flanders in Do Angels Really Have Wings? — Complete!

Tune in on Fri­day for this COMPLETE excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: “Do Angels Real­ly Have Wings?” - in which Jack Flan­ders explores Heav­en — and Hell!

Orig­i­nal­ly broad­cast as six short episodes of just a few min­utes, on Fri­day May 31 we’re broad­cast­ing the entire ser­i­al at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT. Don’t miss it!

Now read on…

JACK FLANDERS IN… Do Angels Real­ly Have Wings?

The lat­est Jack Flan­ders adven­ture, and it cer­tain­ly is dif­fer­ent. Jack dies and goes to Heav­en. While explor­ing the var­i­ous lev­els of Heav­en, he decides to vis­it Hell. And he does this while rid­ing on his child­hood bicy­cle, a clas­sic Schwinn Cruis­er. Along the way, he meets a talk­ing dog, and few old friends who show him the heav­en­ly sights.

While tour­ing Hell, or what the locals call “the slums of heav­en”, Jack encoun­ters a Demon who insists he pay for his sins. “What sins?” Jack naive­ly asks. The Demon unrolls a 12 foot scroll while announc­ing, “Here­in we have the end­less indis­cre­tions of Jonathan L. Flan­ders!” And then the Demon whis­pers, “I’ve been wait­ing for you for a long, long time.”

Were you ever curi­ous about what hap­pens on The Oth­er Side? We don’t have all the answers, but we do have some juicy ones. Six rough­ly 10-minute episodes.

Here’s an audio sample:

For fans of radio dra­ma and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mys­ter­ies. Illus­tra­tion by Jaye Oliver.

Tune in at http://main.vcradio.org — or on your smart speak­er, “Play Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio!”

And don’t for­get that if you enjoy this or any of our pre­sen­ta­tions of ZBS radio dra­mas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.