“Where Have You Been?” — LIVE from SL20B!

Sec­ond Life is offi­cial­ly twen­ty years old. And “Where Have You Been?” — our orig­i­nal series fea­tur­ing places and activ­i­ties around Sec­ond Life — is pleased to be doing a live show, for a third year, from Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio’s head­quar­ters at SLB Breath­tak­ing on the SLB cam­pus — 12 noon SLT, Wednes­day June 28th. We will be replay­ing this episode in our nor­mal “Where Have You Been?” broad­cast slots on Sat­ur­day, July 1st & 8th, and Wednes­day, July 5th at Noon and 4pm Sec­ond Life Time.

And we are going to take a slight­ly dif­fer­ent approach to this year’s cel­e­bra­tion show.

The SL20B cel­e­bra­tion is immense! 20 Regions of shop­ping, nine regions of exhibitors, four adult regions, and a vari­ety of regions ded­i­cat­ed to events: the music fes­ti­val, per­for­mances and pre­sen­ta­tions. There’s no way we can cram in even the minut­est frac­tion of what’s to be found at SL20B. But, we have looked about and we have two things to share in this year’s episode: strate­gies, and high­lights of the kind of com­mu­ni­ty-based things you can find among the exhibitors. The first piece of advice we should give is this: you can’t see every­thing — don’t make your­self crazy try­ing! But it’s guar­an­teed that there’s a lot to see and appre­ci­ate, and a good time is ready and wait­ing for you at SL20B — and we’ll be here to tell you about just some of it!

Join us at 12 noon on Wednes­day 28th June at Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio head­quar­ters on SLB Breath­tak­ing Upper Lev­el for our live show — either in per­son or on the air! — and if you miss it, tune in at 4pm!

As we’re doing a live show, this will go out at 12 noon SLT with the record­ed repeat broad­cast at 4pm. There will be episodes of “The Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity” every 4 hours from 4am SLT, and today’s Fea­tured Music is “Light Classical”.

Liv­ing in a Modem World arti­cle “SL20B: Your Com­plete­ly Unof­fi­cial Pock­et Guide to the Cel­e­bra­tions.” – Inara Pey

SL20B Offi­cial Guide & Magazine

SL20B Des­ti­na­tion Guide

Fab Free Near­ly Com­pre­hen­sive SL20B Gift List

Yava Script Pod Sta­tion (Bal­loon Ride & Tours)

Rep­re­sen­ta­tive SL20B Destinations:

A High­er Spectrum
MƳƧƬƖƇQ ΜƛƇƇƠŊ ƦƛƓƝƛƦƠƘ (Mys­ticq Resident)

Allie (Allie Munro)

World Fairy­tales
Vik­tor Sav­ior and Orpheus Paxlapis-Savior

Four Sea­sons of Tarot
Hon­ey Heart and Sil­lve Resident

Kit­ty Cats Space Party
Kit­ty Cats Creations

The Spir­it of Motown

AADORF Hydro­pon­ics Laboratory
Ale­cio Maven­dorf & August West