Jack Flanders in Dreams of the Blue Morpho

Tune in on Fri­day for the next episode of anoth­er excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: DREAMS OF THE BLUE MORPHO - fea­tur­ing the redoubtable Jack Flanders.

This adven­ture con­sists  of four half-hour episodes, broad­cast at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT on Fri­days. Now read on dot, dot, dot…



Jack Flan­ders receives a call from Cos­ta Rica: it’s his old friend , Mojo Sam. Mojo has a prob­lem: her name is Amy Nel­son. She has been expe­ri­enc­ing a strange phe­nom­e­non: a “light” appears, hov­er­ing near­by, some­times in the trees, some­times out­side her win­dow, some­times above her bed. This hap­pens when­ev­er she’s involved in a rela­tion­ship. The light is rarely seen by oth­ers, but they feel there’s some­thing “witchy” about Amy. Even though she is not in the least bit “witchy”, it’s enough to send men scurrying.

Amy fled Cos­ta Rica, where she was born, but the light has fol­lowed her. She asked Mojo (who plays piano at Senor Frog’s), “Can you help me?” But Mojo can’t fig­ure out what caus­es this light. Jack flies down to Cos­ta Rica to help out, but he too is baf­fled, and a lit­tle fright­ened when he has a har­row­ing encounter with the light. Some­thing very pow­er­ful is hap­pen­ing and it may be traced back to the old African gods.

Cov­er art and design by Jaye Oliv­er.

Here’s an audio sample:

For fans of audio dra­ma, radio dra­ma, radio adven­ture, adven­ture radio dra­ma, radio mys­ter­ies and exot­ic meta­phys­i­cal mysteries.

And don’t for­get that if you enjoy this or any of our pre­sen­ta­tions of ZBS radio dra­mas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.