Did you miss The Addams Family?

The Mag­ic of The Musi­cal is our month­ly series, host­ed by Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er with spe­cial guests, which looks at the music of musi­cal the­ater, and the lore and his­to­ries behind the shows.  It’s pre­sent­ed on Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio from the Gold Hall at Angel Manor in Sec­ond Life before a live audi­ence at 2pm SLT/Pacific Time, on the third Sat­ur­day in the month.

And after the show has aired, we post it on our “Lis­ten Again” ser­vice at Mix­cloud, so you can catch any shows you missed, or to hear them again.

But there was one episode, that went out in Octo­ber last year — our Hal­lowe’en edi­tion — that we could­n’t put on Mix­cloud for tech­ni­cal rea­sons. We’re pleased to say that the prob­lem is now fixed, and you can lis­ten to the miss­ing episode at any time on Mix­Cloud!

The episode is “Every­thing Addams”, which not only looked at the musi­cal “The Addams Fam­i­ly” but also the fam­i­ly’s oth­er, er, rein­car­na­tions. In this episode, host Cale­do­nia Sky­tow­er was joined by Guest Kay­den Ocon­nell – actor, musi­cian, and sup­port­er of the arts in both First and Sec­ond Lives – who played Uncle Fes­ter in a local pro­duc­tion  of the stage musi­cal. The episode is already in Mix­cloud’s glob­al Musi­cals and glob­al Sound­tracks charts — so don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty to catch it!

To lis­ten to “Every­thing Addams”, click here.

They’re creepy and they’re kooky,

Mys­te­ri­ous and spooky

They’re all togeth­er “ooky”

The Addams Family

Links of inter­est for this episode:


The Addams Fam­i­ly (1991) The Mamush­ka Dance
The Addams Fam­i­ly (2019) Mazur­ka Fail
Addams Fam­i­ly Val­ues (1993) Tango


The Tee & Charles Addams Foun­da­tion: charlesaddams.com
Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine: A Cul­tur­al His­to­ry of the Addams Family
NPR.org: The Father of the Addams Family
Cin­e­ma Ther­a­py: 7 Tips from The Addams Fam­i­ly to Keep Your Mar­riage Alive

The Addams Family:

Theatricalrights.com : Addams Fam­i­ly Musical