Sounding Brass

Today’s pro­gramme — Wednes­day Feb­ru­ary 15th — focus­es on brass instru­ments, with gen­res that range from Ear­ly Music to con­tem­po­rary pieces.

Thus the pieces you’ll hear today range from ancient and ear­ly music, through Baroque and clas­si­cal, to Vic­to­ri­an brass bands, to rag­time, trad jazz, a touch of big band, right up to mod­ern works includ­ing a mar­vel­lous suite of pieces for wind band inspired by the works of Shakespeare.

This will all lead to some remark­able jux­ta­po­si­tions — and a few sur­pris­es. Plus “Where Have You Been?” re-vis­its Svar­ga, and more!

Just after 12 noon and 4pm Pacific/Second Life time on Wednes­day and Sat­ur­day begin­ning Feb­ru­ary 15th (for two weeks) tune in for anoth­er edi­tion of “Where Have You Been?” where we take a look at places to vis­it and things to do around the Sec­ond Life Grid.

In this episode, we vis­it a fab­u­lous loca­tion from the dim past: Svar­ga. It was cre­at­ed in 2006 by Laukosar­gas Svarog, and even in those days it was a must-see des­ti­na­tion — an excel­lent exam­ple of the vir­tu­al builder’s craft.  It’s immer­sive, and uses a rich mix­ture of shape and tex­tur­ing to evoke the world of the Gods from Slav­ic mythology.

It’s one of the regions pre­served by Lin­den Lab as being of spe­cial his­tor­i­cal inter­est — and we also dis­cuss the SLRPS (Sec­ond Life Region Preser­va­tion Soci­ety) and some of the oth­er his­toric regions pre­served under its banner.

And every four hours from 4am Pacif­ic, catch Engines of Our Inge­nu­ity from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton — a radio pro­gramme that tells the sto­ry of how our cul­ture is formed by human creativity.

Here are a few Regions you can vis­it under the Lin­den Labs SLRPS pro­gram — Sec­ond Life Region Preser­va­tion Society.

SS Galaxy (Mid­ships)
The Lost Gar­dens of Apol­lo

Mont Saint Michel

(newest) Tem­pu­ra Project

Assort­ed Arti­cles on Sec­ond Life Region Preser­va­tion Soci­ety builds from Liv­ing in a Modem World by Inara Pey

Spe­cif­ic Infor­ma­tion from Lin­den Lab:

The Sec­ond Life Region Preser­va­tion Soci­ety was devel­oped to pre­serve his­toric builds in Sec­ond Life.

Our inten­tion with this pro­gram is to pre­serve pop­u­lar, long lived regions with some his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance (whether that is real world his­toric or SL his­toric) when the region own­er has no oth­er choice but to aban­don them.  As long time res­i­dents our­selves, we too are sad­dened when our favorite regions go offline for what­ev­er rea­son.  We are thrilled to be able to offer this oppor­tu­ni­ty to a small por­tion of the com­mu­ni­ty so that res­i­dents old and new can still enjoy these regions.

At this time, accep­tance into the SLRPS is by exten­sive review by the Land Oper­a­tions Team.  This pro­gram is not meant to pre­serve all regions, but those that meet the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria are eli­gi­ble to apply:

  • Region to be pre­served must be a Pri­vate Estate.  Main­land is not eli­gi­ble for preser­va­tion at this time.
  • Region to be pre­served must be at least 5 years old
  • Region must be sole­ly owned by the res­i­dent applying.
  • Region should have gen­er­at­ed exten­sive com­mu­ni­ty interest
  • Region own­er must be in finan­cial good stand­ing pri­or to application
  • Region own­er should have no dis­ci­pli­nary actions on their account
  • Region should have some kind of his­toric sig­nif­i­cance relat­ing either to the real world or SL
  • Region can­not have had any com­mer­cial or res­i­den­tial parcels for 2 years pri­or to application.

Appli­ca­tion to the pro­gram is by Sup­port Case only at this time.

 Head­er image: 29th Annu­al Cape May Music Fes­ti­val brings clas­si­cal, brass band, folk Amer­i­cana, jazz and a cap­pel­la music to the sea­side May 27-June 15″ by Cape May MAC is marked with CC BY 2.0.