Monthly Archives: July 2022

Programming & Events, July 2nd

Today, July 2nd, marks our last day of events and spe­cial broad­casts sur­round­ing the Sec­ond Life 19th Birth­day Com­mu­ni­ty Celebration.

It’s a busy day!



All the high­light­ed events at

  • Start­ing at around 1:30pm SLT: Join us for our live CLASSIC ROCK PARTY with Elrik Mer­lin  at VCRa­dio Tow­er on SLB Imagination
  • 2:30 pm SLT: Stay around after the par­ty for a con­fi­den­tial Tarot read­ing with Hon­ey Heart of Tarot @ Teatime (SL VOICE required).

All events are broad­cast on our Main Stream  (except for the Tarot readings)



  • Today’s Fea­tured Music is Sat­ur­day At The Movies
  • 12 noon — 12:30 approx — WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN — Spe­cial SL19B Edition
  • 12:30p — 1:30p approx — The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track 
    — clas­sic 60s and 70s crime jazz sound­tracks, includ­ing music by Hoyt Curtin (Jon­ny Quest), Oliv­er Nel­son (ZigZag), Tony Crom­bie (Man from Inter­pol) and much more
  • 1:30pm — 2:30p approx — Live Clas­sic Rock — starts at the end of The MOST — Join us for a par­ty! At the TOP TWO lev­els of the VCRa­dio exhib­it — take the Teleporter
  • 2:30pm — 3:30pm approx — Con­fi­den­tial Live Tarot read­ings (SL VOICE) with HONEY HEART of TAROT @ TEATIME Starts at end of rock show. These will be giv­en on the Tarot Lev­el of VCRa­dio Tow­er — fly up or take our Hov­er­car to the Tarot Level.
  • 4pm — 4:30pm approx — WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN — Spe­cial SL19B Edi­tion — Final broadcast
  • 4:30pm — 5:30pm approx — The MOST — Music from the Orig­i­nal Sound Track

All pro­gram­ming on VCRADIO MAIN except Tarot Read­ings in Voice. 

All tim­ings are SLT/Pacific and are approximate. 

Tarot read­ings are for enter­tain­ment pur­pos­es only.

Dreams Of Rio — A Classic Jack Flanders Adventure: Part Four

Tune in on Fri­day for the fourth episode of this excit­ing radio ser­i­al from our friends at ZBS Foun­da­tion: Dreams Of Rio! This is the fourth of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Fri­day at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.


Hyp­not­ic voodoo beats, lush jun­gle nois­es, trop­i­cal rains, an enig­mat­ic Euro­pean Pro­fes­sor, an allur­ing female anthro­pol­o­gist… a few of the ingre­di­ents which M. Ful­ton has fash­ioned into his audio fan­ta­sy, Dreams of Rio, an engag­ing romp through the forests and sam­ba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chron­i­cles the trop­i­cal adven­tures of hero Jack Flan­ders as he treks through the mys­te­ri­ous wilds of Brazil­ian rain­forests and impos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo record­ings come vibrant­ly alive with lus­cious ambi­ent sound record­ed by Ful­ton and Clark on loca­tion in Brazil. Here’s a lit­tle hint…