Dreams Of Rio: Parts One & Two Back-To-Back

We had some technical issues with timezones last Friday and as a result the first episode of this serial went out at two very odd times and you may well have missed it!
So on 17th June, we’re broadcasting episodes 1 & 2 back to back! Tune in on Friday for the first two episodes of this new Jack Flanders radio serial from our friends at ZBS Foundation: Dreams Of Rio! These are the first of 13 half-hour episodes, one every Friday at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.
Hypnotic voodoo beats, lush jungle noises, tropical rains, an enigmatic European Professor, an alluring female anthropologist… a few of the ingredients which M. Fulton has fashioned into his audio fantasy, Dreams of Rio, an engaging romp through the forests and samba clubs of Brazil. Dreams of Rio chronicles the tropical adventures of hero Jack Flanders as he treks through the mysterious wilds of Brazilian rainforests and impossible situations in his search for the Lost City. The crisp, stereo recordings come vibrantly alive with luscious ambient sound recorded by Fulton and Clark on location in Brazil. Here’s a little taster…
Dreams follows Jack who escapes from the U.S., a country transformed into a giant shopping mall, and undertakes a journey to Rio to retrieve a statue for a friend. Once in his hands, the statue cracks open to reveal a crystal skull. This is just the beginning of an endless chain of chilling plot twists and turns. Along the way, Jack encounters vampire bats, voodoo musicians, a Carmen Miranda museum, and an alluring German anthropologist, Frieda, with whom he falls hopelessly in love. Together they journey to the Lost City.
For fans of audio drama, radio drama, radio adventure, adventure radio drama, radio mysteries and exotic metaphysical mysteries.
And don’t forget that if you enjoy this or any of our presentations of ZBS radio dramas, you can buy the series from zbs.org or stream them from ZBS Media.