The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders — Conclusion (Part 10)

Tune in on Friday for the final episode of our exciting radio serial from our friends at ZBS Foundation: The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders! This is the last of 10 half-hour episodes, one every Friday at noon and 4pm Pacific/SLT.
In the dead of night, a large shipping crate is delivered to the home of our hero Jack Flanders. Opening the crate, Jack discovers a green velvet overstuffed chair. Each night at the stroke of midnight, Jack sits in the soft, comfortable chair which comes alive, luring him onto its velvety realm. Everyday reality fades away, and Jack finds himself in a strange, other-world of magic, pirates, and sorcery where huge puffballs cling to ceilings and walls, masted sailing ships with wings fly the skies and islands float in the air…
The next time you settle into your favorite easy chair, you might want to test the cushions, or bring along a suitcase.
Like a modern day Alice Through the Looking Glass, The Incredible Adventures of Jack Flanders is ten half-hour episodes of humorous fantasy adventure, with Robert Lorick as Jack Flanders and Dave Herman as the Narrator. Tim Clark has created some splendid, ethereal space/fantasy music.
For fans of audio drama, radio drama, radio adventure, adventure radio drama, radio mysteries and exotic metaphysical mysteries.
Next week at the same time, join us for a new 2‑part Jack Flanders adventure from ZBS — “The Ah-Ha Phenomena”.
And don’t forget that if you enjoy this or any of our presentations of ZBS radio dramas, you can buy the series from or stream them from ZBS Media.