Elrik Merlin Steps Forward to Found Virtual Community Radio

Richard Elen (better known in Second Life by his DJ name, “Elrik Merlin”, or “Rik” for short) has a toolbox which runneth over with audio skills, music, broadcasting, and all the important behind-the-scenes details that go along with those activities. From working as a touring and studio sound engineer in the 1970s; through dozens of producing and engineering gigs; magazine editing and marketing communications; to current work as a specialist transferring vintage tapes and discs to digital format for major production music libraries, “wealth” does not begin to cover the experience he brings to his various virtual world endeavors.
Second Life residents may best know him standing beside Saffia Widdershins in the award-winning web TV show Designing Worlds, where for well over a decade he’s been co-host and has worked crucially behind the scenes on the technical production of each episode. Until recently, he played a similar role with Gabrielle Riel and the suite of streams formerly known as Radio Riel, working as part of the team of on-air presenters, alongside providing behind-the-scenes technical support. With the founding of Virtual Community Radio he steps in front, taking the leading role informed by his decades of professional experience.
Some people come to Second Life, or other virtual worlds, for a chance to explore aspects of life that are not possible for them in the world of solid matter. For Elen, virtual environments provide an opportunity to coalesce different aspects of his extensive experience into one new media-driven path. “This is something I have always wanted to do,” he notes, “take the things I have learned and observed over the years and channel them into something that reflects my vision of what virtual media can be, and how they can support and connect communities and people.”
[perfectpullquote align=“full” bordertop=“false” cite=”” link=”” color=“1CEBFF” class=”” size=“”]“Elrik Merlin has a toolbox which runneth over with audio skills, music, broadcasting, and all the important behind-the-scenes details that go along with those activities.” [/perfectpullquote]
“Mr Merlin” will be on hand this Saturday, February 6th, from 2–3:30pm pacific/slt to welcome guests and interested residents to the station’s Inaugural Ball at their headquarters on Chestnut Hills. (https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chestnut%20Hills/121/101/3802)
He can also be heard co-hosting a short feature series on the station: Where’ve You Been? Along with Caledonia Skytower, they will chat about places they’ve visited and ongoing events that residents might want to visit themselves. “This format has greater agility than a TV show, but we cover things in less depth – just highlighting them,” he shares. Where’ve You Been? airs weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Noon and 4pm slt/pacific beginning February 3rd.
February 13th at 2pm slt/pacific he will present the first of what will be a regular music program, The Grove, which will explore New Age music. As anyone who has had the pleasure of being at one of DJ Elrik Merlin’s dance shows and watched him connect with other music lovers in attendance, he loves music and his knowledge of both artists and composition is vast. He brings all that enthusiasm to this new regular show. Watch this website for more on The Grove.
Virtual worlds provide us all with a unique opportunity to let our imaginations create a world, and inhabit it. Skills are gained, people connected with, exploration is achieved and our lives – material and virtual – are enriched. With the founding of Virtual Community Radio, Mr Merlin brings love and experience together and shares this brand new chapter with Second Life residents and interested listeners on the Internet.
By Caledonia Skytower