Get the App!

We are work­ing with Patrick at Kalei­do­scop­ic Cre­ation to devel­op our own mobile apps, but in the meantime…

VCR is host­ed by Live365, and they make iOS and Android mobile apps avail­able so you can lis­ten to mem­ber sta­tions on the go.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly these apps don’t auto­mat­i­cal­ly tune to VCR — you can use them to lis­ten to any Live365 sta­tion — so you need to search for “Vir­tu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Radio” to locate us and start lis­ten­ing. Click the heart icon to label it as a Favourite and off you go!

Due to music licens­ing agree­ments, these apps are avail­able in the UK, US and Cana­da only at this time.

Remem­ber that we are still doing test trans­mis­sions, so the stream may go off the air from time to time and you’ll hear a curi­ous vari­ety of music across the day.